A I  have been going about the Futuristic Marketing course one thing comes to mind which all Marketers need to follow.

…the key is taking action

Just to give you an update about my results!

I have started to promote on one of my lacrosse fanpages as seen here:


The course had software that allowed us to set up capture pages and I was able to integrate GVO into it as well (so I did not have to add yet another service into my business plan like aweber or iconcact)

Anyways, I am still testing this as I modified my bid price and had not gotten any clicks yet where I had been too low to begin with.

The good news is I have doubled the people who have “liked” the page, so though they may not be on my mailing list, the viral nature of Facebook is bringing me to them whenever I want for the most part as well as taking me to their friends pages as well.

When they like me, their freinds see it as well and that actually lead to a sale of my Lacrosse book and an offer to come set up my booth at a tournament in October!

I had replied to her email about the purchase and how she had heard about the site and she said she saw it on her friends Facebook Wall and “had to have a copy herself!”

It is all about taking action.

Here is the good news….I was bidding on a “sponsored story” which is what sends someone to your facebook page in an effort to gain more followers in the terms of them “liking” the page.

I set an initial bid as per the suggestions of the Futuristic Marketing leaders at $1.00 per click.  Now this might bring some aprehension on people and myself as well in the beginning.

The key is to have Facebook see that your ad is clickable!

When they see people actually taking action on your ad, your CTR, or Click through rate becomes better.  When you can keep the value above 0.1, you will start to see better prices paid out.

Futuristic Marketing Facebook Sponsored Story results

Futuristic Marketing Facebook Sponsored Story results

I started paying about $0.60 each about 5 days ago and am already down to $0.42 as of this morning.

If you are trying FB ads, you can try this as well.

Now for a little bad news, Futuristic Marketing is closed now, but you can get on their mailing list in case they do their evergreen launch, though the price might be a little higher.


The good news, though is that my fellow Kenyan traveller Armand Morin has a great Facbook Ad Secret training that you can check out right now here


If you are on my mailing list at http://MagneticSponsors.com you might remember from the email I sent a week or so ago, Armand was the one who talked to us about always bidding higher than the suggested rate, becuase in the long run FB usually comes down in the price anyways!.

He has a ton of more suggestions that you can act upon to make your own fanpages and websites get some better quality traffic starting today…The key is taking action!


To driving traffic TODAY!

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Dave Gardner
Skype: barefootpainting
Email: DaveGardner@MagneticSponsors.com

Work With Me – Global Virtual Opportunities, or GVO

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

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