The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine

If you read a recent post of mine about how to Practice Daily Discipline, then“The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine is something you need to pick up and start reading.

I recently started this book and just like compounding interest works on money small investments month after month to bring exponential growth to your investments, so does taking little actions in your business in small manners like a blog post daily, reaching out to clients or subscribers through phone and email, purchasing advertising and other actions you can easily take.

It is not 50-50

The one interesting part that stuck out already as I read “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine is that when you are investing, learning or building a business, the responsibility always is focused on YOU.  If the investment fails, or if you did not learn enough and did not take action and therefor saw no positive results, the only one you have to blame is yourself.

In an online marketing course for example, people often want to blame the course or the instructor for not giving them the right tools they need to be successful, though it really comes down to what efforts they actually put into implementing what they learned and how successful they actually became.

So there is no partial blame on the instructor. You have to take 100% ownership of your efforts if you want to succeed.  This might include doing some extra research to see if it is even worth your time investing in a course and whether or not it fits your goals at that time.

Grab The Compound Effect at Amazon

You can grab The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy at Amazon here

or just click on this banner and it will take you right to the site and I can collect a few pennies of affiliate commissions 🙂


Take Action Revise Daily is one of the things I live by and you need to TARL consistently.  Put stuff out there to be seen and you can always go back and fix it later.  Imperfect action always beats out perfect inaction so make sure you are putting your work and your efforts out there to be seen, otherwise NO ONE will know that your work exists, which really comes down to NO ONE being able to join you or purchase your products!

Remember, you have to take 100% of the blame for your success and your failure!  I am not saying you can’t be grateful for those you learned from, as you should be, though it really comes down to your implementation, consistency and persistence through your journey in business.

Go make it happen and take some action today!

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Dave Gardner
Skype: barefootpainting

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